Meeting setup
Learn more from your sales team about the meeting setup. Some questions you can ask
- Should the booker be part of the meeting?
- Should the meeting be created in the booker or the assignee calendar?
- Should the booker be optional in the meeting?
- Does the booker need to see his own calendar when booking a meeting?
Based on these questions, you will need to adjust the queue settings individually at the top of the page.
Meeting templates
- We suggest you create at least several meeting types. See examples here .
- Each queue needs to have a meeting type associate. This type will be used to populate the invites. Note that if the prospect is not in Salesforce, the dynamic fields won't be populated, so make sure your templates look good either way.
- Note that some meeting templates can be assigned to individual calendars as well.
Queue configuration
- You may need round robin queues and assign to owner queues. Decide on their settings . Defaults are always a good starting point
CRM setup
- Make sure all your CRM fields are in place before you get started to be able to report on your meetings and on your queues
Your team
- Make sure your team understands the rules you setup in the queue, create a mini document that explains them with screenshots. In the mini document also explain that they can select their own calendar in the "Popup". This way you can track all their meetings. This mini document can also serve as an "onboarding guide" for distribution for new recruits
- If you have team members that only book meetings for themselves (E.g. some account executives) make sure you adjust their settings before you get started (also add this information in your mini onboarding doc above).