This feature requires the use of Zapier with your Chili Piper Account. If you still need to connect your Chili Piper account to your Zapier account, please take a look at these instructions on how to get set up before proceeding here.
Setting Up Zapier
Using Zapier, we can notify your reps with details of the prospect calling in as soon as they connect to your sales team. Here's how to do it.
1. Create the Zap
a. In Zapier, click "Make a Zap"
b. Search for "Chili Piper."
c. Select the Chili Piper Trigger as "New Meeting."
2. Add a Filter
a. Click the "+" to add a "Filter": "Only continue if...."
b. Chosse the field "Event Type"
c. Choose the condition "(Text) Contains"
d. Enter the text: Meeting_Template_Name_for_Your_Concierge_Phone_Queues
Add this filter, or this zap will fire when any Chili Piper Meeting is booked.
For Slack Notifications
1. In Zapier, add an action and search for "Slack."
2. Connect to your Slack Account.
3. Select "Send Channel Message".
4. Add the desired text you would like the message to contain to send to the Slack channel. We recommend adding text with dynamic fields to give reps as much context as possible about the person they are talking with.
Ex: We send a message to our Slack channel as follows:
Concierge Call initiated to (Assignee Name) from (Prospect Company) by (Prospect Name). See in Salesforce:
For Microsoft Teams Notifications
1. In Zapier, add an action and search for "Microsoft Teams."
2. Connect to your MS Teams Account.
3. Select "Send Channel Message".
4. Add the desired text you want the message to contain to send to the Teams channel. We recommend adding text with dynamic fields to give reps as much context as possible about the person they are talking with.
Example of using dynamic fields in a message below:
Concierge Call initiated to (Assignee Name) from (Prospect Company) by (Prospect Name). See in Salesforce:
Once you've set up either Slack or MS Teams trigger, please test it and go live. Your reps should start receiving immediate Slack or MS Teams notifications providing context on who they are talking to with Chili Piper's Concierge.