This article will set you up with the most basic version of Chili Piper's Concierge Calls. If you are already leveraging concierge scheduling, please go to this article.
- Create a new 15-minute Meeting Type called "Concierge Call". Here's how we did ours:
Create a new Queue called "Phone Queue" and assign your users who will be taking inbound calls.
Remember that your users must have their phones verified for this to work. You can check who has verified and who still needs to be here.
Ensure you choose the meeting template you created in Step #2, and select Meeting is created in: "Assignee's Calendar."
You may want to add yourself to the Phone queue for testing purposes. Again, make sure your phone is verified. Do that here.
Create a form and map your form field names from your webpage form.
- Create a new "Inbound Router."
- Configure your settings as you see fit and add your new "Phone Queue" into the Phone Queues section.
- Once step #5 is completed, you can either put the snippet onto your test page or test using your Router URL directly.
For the calling functionality to work with your router, please ensure you are marked as available in Chili Piper, not outside of working hours, and have at least 15 minutes before your next busy appointment. Learn how Availability Works.
How do I know if I did it right?
- Open your Router URL in a new tab or window.
- Fill out the form and input a phone number (should be different from the phone you are using for your Chili Piper number)
- After submitting the form, you should see either the "Call me now" option only or the "Call me now"/"Schedule a meeting" option. If you go straight to a calendar screen, that means your phone is not verified, you are not available, you forgot to add the phone queue, or your phone queue rules disqualified the test lead from having the call option.