There are three different types of Meeting Workspaces you can create in Chili Piper. Super admins are able to create as many workspaces within your account as you need, based on your license types.
🌶 Instant Booker - For teams looking to share booking assets such as booking links and to group these teams into a common workspace for Instant Booker. Group booking links supported.
🔥 Handoff / Concierge - For advanced teams looking to route and distribute meetings or use meeting queues. Primary use is with Instant Booker (queues) and Concierge routing. A CRM Connection such as Salesforce or HubSpot CRM is required for this workspace type to function properly.
Distribution (Distro)
For more information, see our Distro section. These workspaces allow for dynamic routing of Salesforce objects, fields, and ownership.
These special workspaces are built around in-person events. For more information, check out our Events section.
Managing Workspaces
To manage your workspaces, click the "Manage" button on the admin center. For more information on this, see our related article.