Booking Span can be configured in the "Workspace Settings" on each individual workspace. It relates to vacation calibration, in that this determines when vacation calibration kicks in.
What does Booking Span do?
Booking span is an administrative feature of the Chili Piper Round Robin to help manage bookings when an Assignee goes on vacation. It represents the number of days in which an Assignee is removed from meeting distribution prior to a vacation and the number of days an Assignee is added back for meeting distribution when a user returns from vacation. By default, the Booking Span is set to 1 day.
When an Assignee is either on vacation or within the Booking Span period prior to a vacation, the Assignee, when a Booker opens the "Instant Booker", will be labeled "OFF" so that the Booker will know not to schedule a meeting with this Assignee.
Joe, Sarah, and Steve are active Assignees in a Round Robin Queue. Joe has scheduled PTO from March 12th thru March 20th and has blocked his calendar using Full Day Events to signify that he will be on vacation. He will be back from PTO on March 21st.
Joe's Chili Piper Admin has set Booking Span to 1 Day. Thus, starting on March 11th, Joe will not be assigned any new meetings as he is about to begin his PTO. He will be labeled "OFF" when his Bookers open the "Instant Booker" to know that he is on PTO.
To ensure Joe has meetings set when he gets back from PTO, Joe will be added back to the queue and no longer shown as "OFF" starting March 20th; 1 day before his PTO ends.