Chili Piper calendar fields have advanced parameters that allow for advanced logic in your campaigns or your Salesforce workflows.
With a formula field in Salesforce, you can pass the existing user as a booker and give him credit for booking a meeting through a URL- see example below.
Where the formula has the following structure:
HYPERLINK(“https://your.calendar.url?id=”&Id&’&by=’&LOWER($User.FirstName)&’-‘&LOWER($User.LastName),”Book Meeting”)
This can only work if your user's first and last name coincides with their name in their calendar in Google. You can check your users' first name and last name on your user page in Chili Piper here.
If you have team members with names that differ in Google and Salesforce:
Then best is to create a field in Salesforce on the user object instead (text field):
Note that the default formula does not apply automatically for new users, only newly created ones.
This value has to match the end of their calendar URL
And then, you can reference this value in your formulas like this instead:
HYPERLINK(“YourCalendarURL?id=”&Id&’&by=’&LOWER($User.Calendar_URL_structure__c),”Book Meeting”)