The HubSpot CRM Actions section of your workspace will allow you to manage and configure Engagement creation, Contact ownership, Form properties, Company matching, and other relevant HubSpot settings.
In this article, we will cover the available pages and what they allow you to configure:
Engagement Creation
You can automatically create HubSpot CRM Engagements whenever a meeting is booked through Chili Piper.
Here, you can manage the Engagement creation behavior across Meeting Types in this workspace. You can define whether it applies to all Meeting Types within the workspace or set each Meeting Type individually.
When an Engagement is created, you can also define the object the Contact is related to A Ticket, Company, or Deal.
By turning off Engagement Creation, we do not update Ownership of Contacts.
When setting for each Meeting Type individually, you can quickly and easily select the object relations, whether it creates an Engagement and associated meeting type.
Engagement Deletion
You can also define what happens when a meeting is deleted from your Calendar:
Choose to either keep the meeting listed within HubSpot CRM or delete the engagement entirely.
Assigned User Reporting
The "Activity assigned to user" setting will control who we set as the "Activity assigned to" user within HubSpot generated reports.
Scheduled By User
The above setting to change activity assigned to user does not change the "Scheduled by" user on the Engagement as shown below:
This user is defined by the credentials we used to create the Engagement - most commonly the actual booker, or the "Default Booker". It's also possible that we used an admin user here if the booker's credentials were not valid.
This is currently not something we can toggle in app and will not reflect the assigned user. We recommend using generated reports for this.
When a customer fills out your guest form, you can define the behavior for creating and updating Contacts here. As with Engagements, you can apply it to all Meeting Types in the workspace or individual Meeting Types.
By default, Chili Piper will create a Contact. You can choose whether or not this Contact's details are updated by the form the customer filled out or to do nothing. Optionally, you can also choose not to create a new contact.
As with Engagements, if you choose to manage this by individual Meeting Type, a list will be presented to allow you to quickly and easily select the conditions for creating Contacts per Meeting Type.
Guest Form Actions
Guest Form actions enable you to choose which fields we update in HubSpot CRM when a customer submits a form. You can define multiple Guest Forms here to match up with your booking links or webforms on your site.
Configuring a Guest Form allows you to choose which Contact field it relates to and whether you want to update the field or not on booking.