Who can use this feature?
The Distribution Reporting in Concierge is the perfect way to find out how your Routers are distributing your records and understand if any adjustments are required.
We will cover this section in more detail below, as well as how you can access and read the data related to each one of your Routers and Paths.
Table of Contents
- How do I access the Distribution Reporting for Concierge?
- Distribution Reporting Home Page
- Router View
- Path View
- Adjust Fairness
- Why do I see an uneven distribution among my Team Members?
How do I access the Distribution Reporting for Concierge?
To access the Distribution Reporting for Concierge, you must be a Workspace Manager or Admin. Click "Distribution Reporting" on the left navigation panel under Concierge.
The initial view will be the Distribution Reporting Home Page, which will be covered in the next section.
Distribution Reporting Home Page
This will be the first view after you access the Distribution Reporting following the steps above. You will then be presented with a list of all your Concierge Routers being used in Concierge and other useful data to manage your distributions better. Let's see them in more detail.
At the top, you will see the Timeframe dropdown to select the time period you want to filter. We will display some pre-defined and commonly used options like "Last 24 hours", "This Week", and "This Month", but you can also use the "Custom" option to build something not covered by the pre-defined options.
After selecting the Timeframe, you will see a trend panel showing the numbers for Submissions, Calendar displayed, and Meetings Scheduled within that period. You will also see a comparison showing if the number of each category increased or decreased compared to the previous period.
Moving down, you can search by any specific router in the search bar.
Over here, you can select the router you want to have a more detailed view of the distribution. Click "View" right next to it, and you will be redirected to a new screen, which we will cover in more detail in the Router View section.
Trigger Type
The Trigger will always be the first node in a Concierge Router, indicating which action will trigger your router. Within this column, you may have three options to be shown:
Webform: You can integrate Concierge with a marketing form, like a demo request form, and once the prospect fills it out, Chili Piper will qualify them based on your Rules and show a calendar. You must also map your form using this option. Check this article for more details about mapping your form.
In-app: You can embed Concierge inside your application, for example, under a "Request a Demo" button. Chili Piper will qualify the user who clicks the button based on your Rules and show them the correct calendar.
- Router Link: You can email prospects a direct link to your router. This router link is accompanied by a form for the prospect to submit the necessary information for proper qualification.
The number of submissions per router, including meetings booked, not booked, Catch-all, and disqualified prospects.
Calendar Displayed
The number of times the calendar was displayed to prospects, including those who did not book a meeting.
Meeting Scheduled
The number of times a meeting was scheduled within that router. It does not include prospects with a calendar displayed but have not booked a meeting.
Last Submission
The date the last submission was received within the router. If it's blank, no submissions have been received yet.
Router View
After selecting a Router in the Distribution Reporting's Home Page, you will be redirected to this page, where you will be able to see specific details about the distribution within each Router:
You can also filter by timeframe within this page at the top. Use the Custom option to customize a timeframe.
This page will also show you numbers for Submissions, Calendar displayed, and Meetings Scheduled within that period.
Over this section, we will show the Team associated with it, the number of Calendar displayed, and meeting scheduled submissions, alongside the last submission date. Click View to dive deeper into each Path's data, which is more detailed in the Path View section.
Calendar Displayed: The number of times the calendar was displayed to prospects, including those who did not book a meeting.
Meeting Scheduled: The number of times a meeting was scheduled within that router. It does not include prospects with a calendar displayed but who haven't booked a meeting.
- Last Submission: The date the last submission was received within the router. If it's blank, no submissions have been received yet.
Path View
After selecting a Path in the Router View, you will be redirected to this page, where you can see specific details about the distribution within each Path and the assignees among your Team. More details can be found below!
You can also filter by timeframe within this page at the top. Use the Custom option to customize a timeframe.
This page will also show you numbers for Meetings Scheduled, No Shows, and Canceled Meetings within that period.
Team Members
This offers a brief view of each team member, including the number of meetings scheduled with each one of them, as well as No Shows and canceled meetings.
No-shows and Canceled meetings may impact the Team Member's Current Level or not, depending on what you set in your Vacation and Distribution Settings at a workspace level—click here for more details.
Adjust Fairness
Fairness and Weighting are functionalities that should help Admins better handle object distribution across Teams and their respective reps.
Other settings within this page will be covered in more detail below.
Don't forget to Publish Changes if you make any updates here!
Distribution Algorithm
You can change the Team's distribution algorithm here by clicking the "Change" button. For example, if you have a Round-Robin-related distribution, you can move between Strict and Flexible Round-Robin.
Reschedule with Any Team Members
Chili Piper will still prioritize the original Assignee, but if enabled, this setting allows prospects to reschedule with any team member, meaning that we will show the Team Member's combined slots if the prospect reschedules.
If disabled, we will only show the original Assignee's availability slots.
Calibration Settings
Scrolling down, you will notice the Calibration Settings section with more details and updatable features (Credit/Skip and Weight) for each Team Member:
Current Level
The result from Meetings Scheduled minus No Shows minus Canceled will be shown if your workspace settings are set to credit back for No Shows and Cancelation. If not, it will show just the number of Meetings Scheduled.
Meetings Scheduled
The number of scheduled meetings per Team Member. It does not include qualified prospects who haven't finished the booking process.
No Shows and Canceled
Number of meetings marked as No Show and canceled meetings, respectively.
Credit / Skip
This is where you can manually credit or skip a meeting to anyone from your team.
To credit a record to a user, use a positive number (1, 2, 3), and this user will have one (or more) meeting(s) to their Current Level. In the example below, notice how Byron had the Current Level equal to 1, and after we credited one more meeting, it updated to 2. That means Byron's Current Level increases, and Byron may not be prioritized as Next after the update.
To remove (Skip) a record in a distribution, use a negative number (-1, -2, -3), and the user will have their Current Level decreased. In the example below, we did the opposite as above: notice how Byron had the Current Level equal to 1, and after we credited one more meeting, it updated to 0. This may help the user who got the negative number to be prioritized as Next in the queue again.
The Weight can impact the frequency that your Team Member will be Next on your distribution.
To allocate a greater distribution of meetings to specific reps, make their weight percentage more than the other users in the Team. Uneven weights are likely why some reps may receive more or fewer prospects than others.
For example:
- Mary, Joe, and Stacy are members of a Team and have the following weights for the current month: 50%, 100%, and 100%;
- Suppose 60 prospects were distributed across them during the same month in this Path;
- The distribution would be 10 for Mary, 15 for Joe, and 15 for Stacy. Mary got fewer prospects distributed to her due to the 50% weighting.
Let's also use the previous example to have a better idea:
- We gave 50% weighting to Byron, and Byron's Current Level went from 1 to 2, meaning that Byron will likely get fewer meetings than others due to the 59% weighting.
- Weightings above 100% are not available at the moment.
Friendly reminder to not forget to Publish Changes if you make any updates here!
Why do I see an uneven distribution among my Team Members?
Chili Piper tries to keep the Round Robin distribution as close to equal as possible by default, but you might see that some team members have more meetings and/or records distributed than others. Here are a few common reasons for that:
You have the flexible Round Robin type enabled on this distribution: While it allows for more slots to be displayed to the prospect, it does mean that sometimes the time the prospect is picked does not coincide with the time the next person in the queue is available, so they are skipped. Check that your reps have as many open slots as possible on their calendars if you are using a Flexible Round-Robin.
Reps on vacation: If a rep is out of the office for vacation or a day, the distribution will not happen during those days. Click here to understand the Vacation and Distribution Settings better for Concierge.
- Credit/Skip and Weighting: As noticed in the Adjust Fairness section above, manually Crediting/Skipping an assignee and/or adjusting their Weighting impacts their Current Level and, consequently, may cause reps to receive fewer meetings than others.