Who can use this feature?
The Meetings Activity and Events History panels are the go-to place for admins to check information on all meetings booked across the Demand Conversion Platform.
They can check the number of meetings scheduled, canceled, rescheduled, no-shows, their CRM Events status (if applicable), and also by whom and when these actions are performed. Admins can also reassign, cancel meetings, and retry failed CRM Events, if needed.
In this article, we will cover this feature in more detail.
Table of Contents
- How to Access it?
- Upcoming and Past Meetings
- Filters and Sources
- Meeting Activity Panel Overview
- Meeting View & Actions
- Events History
How to Access the Meetings Activity page?
In your workspace's left-hand menu, the Meetings Activity panel will be available under the Reporting section:
Click on it, and start taking advantage of the data shared there!
Upcoming and Past Meetings
Upon accessing Meetings Activity, you will be directed to the Upcoming tab, which displays all future meetings.
Right beside the Upcoming tab, you will see the Past Meetings view. This view shows meetings with a past meeting time, including those canceled and marked as No-Show. By default, it shows meetings from the last seven days.
Filters and Sources
You can use filters and sources to help you analyze only specific meetings you might be looking for. While navigating in the Upcoming and Past Meetings tabs, click the "Filter" option, and you can filter the meetings by Meeting Type, Assignee (Scheduled With), and Status. Use the "Clear Filter" button to clear your current filtering selection.
If you are in the Past Meetings tab, you can filter the time range of meetings to be displayed among some pre-defined and commonly used options (Last 7 days, Last 24 hours, Last Month, etc) or create a Custom range:
Last but not least, you can also filter the meetings per product.
For example, if you want to check meetings booked only via ChiliCal and Chat, that should be possible. While selecting the product, you will find some additional filters (Chat Conversations or Journeys, Handoff Router names, ChiliCal one-on-one or Scheduling Links, and more) to help you refine even more your search:
Export to CSV
You can export the data listed on your Meetings Activity page to a CSV file if you want to analyze it locally and also share it with other people who may be interested. To do that, click the Export to CSV button in the top-right.
Some things to consider:
- We export all data displayed in the table's columns except for Source (coming soon!).
- Filters applied to the table are also applied to the downloaded CSV file.
- Each tab has its own export, meaning to export Upcoming meetings, you need to export from the Upcoming tab; the same goes for Past Meetings. Past and Upcoming meetings are not included in the same downloaded file.
- We will not send the CSV file over email, it will be downloaded locally.
Meeting Activity Panel Overview
This is the place where you will have some helpful and initial information about your workspace's meetings to help with your analysis:
- Title: The meeting's title.
- When: Date and time of the meeting.
- Meeting Type: The Meeting Type used to book the meeting.
- Source: The meeting's source. It will show the product involved in the booking process (ChiliCal, Chat, Handoff, Concierge).
- Assignee: The person assigned to take the meeting.
- Booker: The person who booked the meeting.
- Guests: Lists all Guests invited to the meeting.
Meeting View & Actions
Clicking "Open" next to a meeting title opens specific meeting details and also enables you to take some associated actions.
Within the meeting details on the right-hand side, you will find more information about the meeting, such as its Date, Time, Host, Guests, Location, Description, and Reminders associated with it.
As mentioned above, there are also some possible actions you can take from here:
Update Date/Time
The time and date right below the meeting's title are clickable, and you can use to update the meeting's time and/or date from there.
Cancel Meeting
You can cancel the meeting you are checking by clicking the three dots on the header and then "Cancel Meeting"
Mark as No-Show
By clicking the ghost icon, you can mark whether the prospect attended the meeting or not. This is especially useful if the Distribution associated with the meeting is set to credit back assignees for No-Shows.
Meeting Conference Link
Also, at the header, you can click the meeting conference link icon to be redirected to the meeting's link and join it.
Guest Management
In the Guests field, you can remove or make any existing Guests option by clicking the three dots next to their names.
You can also invite new Guests from the "Invite a guest..." box below. By default, we will display a menu with Chili Piper users with the proper licenses to be invited, but you can also invite users outside of Chili Piper by typing their emails and hitting return/Enter:
Meeting Reassignment
You can update the meeting's host, too! Since this feature has some details we need to take into account, we created a separate article for it here - check it out!
Location Management
If your Meeting Type uses multiple Locations, you can manage and update the one you want to use within the Location field:
Last but not least, you can also update your response to the meeting from Chili Piper at the bottom. The available options are Going, Maybe, or Not going.
Events History
The Events History is your go-to place to check any associated actions that happened for your meetings. This way, Admins can easily find important information like who reassigned a meeting and to whom, reschedule details, and many more!
How to access the Events History information?
After opening a meeting found on the Meetings Activity page, you will find the Events History tab on the header:
Which Information Can Be Found on the Events History page?
The following information will be displayed for each meeting whenever applicable:
Whenever a meeting is reassigned, we will display who reassigned it, to whom, when, and the reassignment source (Meetings Activity or ChiliCal Home).
Check this article to learn more about how a meeting can be reassigned in the Demand Conversion Platform!
Time/Date Updates
If a meeting gets its time and/or date manually updated, we will display who updated it, when, and where (Calendar Event or ChiliCal Home):
Whenever a meeting is reassigned, we will display who rescheduled it, to whom, when, and the rescheduling source (Calendar event, ChiliCal Home, or Reschedule Link).
Similar to reassignment and reschedules, whenever a meeting is canceled, we will display who canceled it, when, and the cancelation source (Calendar event, ChiliCal Home, or Cancel URL).
Salesforce Event Details
You must connect your global Salesforce integration (more details here) to have this information displayed.
If the Event is successfully created, we will show when it happened.
If the Event failed to be created, we will also show when it happened, alongside the detailed error.
Check this article to learn more details about errors you may see and how to fix them.