With the Chili Piper <> Zapier integration, the following fields are available when a New Meeting is Created, Deleted, or Updated.
This article is for users who have already upgraded to the Demand Conversion Platform. If you are a Legacy user, check this one instead.
Event Fields:
- Meeting Description
- Meeting End Time
- Meeting Location
- Meeting Start Time
- Meeting Title
- Meeting Type Name
Booker Fields:
- Booker Name
- Booker Email
- Chili Piper Booker Id
- Host Email
- Host Full Name
Assignee Fields:
- Assignee Full Name
- Assignee Email
- Chili Piper Assignee Id
- Additional Guests
Primary Guest Data Fields JSON String
- First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone - Primary Guest Email
- Primary Guest Time Zone
- Chili Piper Distribution Id
- Chili Piper Host Id
- Chili Piper Meeting Id
- Chili Piper Meeting Type Id
- Chili Piper Product Feature Id
- Chili Piper Workspace Id
- Workspace Name
- Distribution Name
- Product Feature Name
- Product Feature Type