The Scheduler is your go-to place to find available times in your calendar or your teammates’ calendars to book an important meeting or even a meeting on a colleague’s behalf. It will also ensure you match the correct Router and rules Path, driving your prospect to the best assignee.
It’s the perfect place to check everyone’s availability and guarantee the meeting will be scheduled.
The Scheduler looks different and has different functionalities if you are using it from the extension in one of our integrations or sidebar or from MyApp/Home Page. Navigate to the articles below to learn more about these two:
This article will explain the Handoff Scheduler settings and details.
Table of Contents
- Booking Through a Handoff Router
- Add Guests to your CRM
- Common Errors
- Booking Through Scheduling Links
Booking Through a Handoff Router
After setting your Handoff Routers, it's time to book meetings using your booking flows and ensure prospects are being routed to the correct reps and Teams!
Click here for a detailed step-by-step on how to set up and get the most benefit from your Handoff Router.
Initial View
Once the Handoff Router is triggered, if we match any rules of your Router(s), you should see this message at the top-left:
You will also see the Calendar screen in the middle, where you will navigate and select the time slot for the meeting you are about to book.
Then, there are some settings you can choose to ensure the prospect is being correctly routed. Let's take a look at them:
Workspace Selection
In the Workspace dropdown, select the workspace you would like to use if you are assigned to more than one.
Handoff Router
Over here, you can select the Handoff Router you want to use to route this prospect. Right below, you will find each Path (Routing Rules) created for the selected Router, with a green flag showing the ones that had a match.
We will also show the ones that had no match within the Non-matching rules section.
Next, select the Assignee that will receive the meeting. The assignee list contains the Team Members from the Distribution you associated with the Display Calendar node in your Handoff Router.
By default, we will show the user assigned to receive the next meeting in the Assignee list. If your Admins enabled the setting below and the Distribution is a Flexible Round-Robin, you can select a different assignee.
However, if the setting mentioned above is disabled or your Distribution is a Strict Round-Robin, you must pick the next in line. If the next in line has no feasible availability, use Availability for All to select a better slot.
If you notice the Assignee defined as Hidden, it means one of your Admins enabled the Prevent Cherry Picking setting for the associated Distribution. This setting hides the assigned rep in the Scheduler to prevent selection based on preference.
Show Availability for All
The Show Availability for All button displays the combined availability of all assignees and selects the best slot for the meeting without manually checking each assignee's calendar. Use the subtitles below, which are also shown in the Scheduler, to better guide you through this:
If your Distribution is a Strict Round-Robin you cannot update the assignee, and the assignee list will be blocked, not allowing you to switch the designated one:
For Flexible Round-Robin, if the "Allow Booker to Pick Any Team Member" is enabled, you can update the assignee after selecting the time slot. If disabled, you cannot update the assignee.
Closing the Router
You should be able to close the Handoff Router and follow the booking process via Scheduling Links (more details in the next sections here) by clicking the "Close the Router" button at the top-left:
Your Admins configured the Handoff Router to match the rules set for your org and ensure a fair distribution across your reps. Therefore, we do not recommend closing the Handoff Router unless you have a specific scenario, or the prospect matches no Paths, and you still want to book a meeting.
My prospect hasn't matched any Paths; what can I do?
If you notice the message below at the top, it means that your prospect matched no rules from your Paths and Routers:
Besides closing the booking flow, you can book through Scheduling Links, which is covered in its own section here.
Add Guests to your CRM
You can add your Guest(s) to Salesforce or HubSpot in the Scheduler itself, ensuring you do not need to navigate into multiple tools to achieve this.
Click the "Add to Salesforce/HubSpot" icon right next to the Guest's email and proceed from there.
The steps should be pretty straightforward, but we also have a dedicated article for this feature if you need any further assistance!
Common Errors
Primary Guest did not match any rules from Handoff Routers
This error is pretty intuitive and should appear if your Primary Guest does not match any of the Rules you set in your Handoff Router. After triggering the Scheduler, this is the error that appears in the top-left:
Unable to route the meeting as the guest was not found in your CRM
Since Handoff uses CRM-related fields in its rule evaluation, this error will happen if the prospect is not found in your CRM Instance. Ensure the e-mail was correctly typed from where you are triggering it or the prospect is added to your CRM before starting the Handoff Router.
This is how the error should appear at the top-left if it happens:
Why do I see an OFF icon next to an assignee?
When a rep has an all-day block, the OFF icon will appear next to their name, indicating that they are likely not available to receive any meetings for that or the next upcoming day(s), depending on your workspace's Vacation Buffer settings.
Booking Through Scheduling Links
If the meeting wasn't assigned through your Handoff Router because it had no match, or if you prefer using a different flow, you can still book meetings for yourself or your colleagues via Scheduling Links!
Check this article if you need guidance on setting Scheduling Links for your Teams!
You will see some options on the right-hand side menu:
My Links
Book meetings for yourself! You will find the links that you created or shared with you by the Admins.
While using this option, you can only assign meetings to yourself, so you will not see any other assignees in the Host field.
Next, optionally add more Guests, select your Scheduling Link/Meeting Type, and update other settings like Product, Description, and Location.
You can also toggle the "Prioritize this meeting", so it follows your Availability Scheduling settings; more details about this feature here.
My Team's Links
Find your Teammates' links and book meetings on their behalf. You will find links created by them or shared by the Admins.
Select the colleague you want to assign this meeting to by clicking the "Host" field. You will find your favorites at the top and then all users next. Use the search bar to make things easier!
Next, optionally add more Guests, select your Scheduling Link/Meeting Type, and update other settings like Product, Description, and Location.
You can also toggle the "Prioritize this meeting", so it follows your Availability Scheduling settings; more details about this feature here.
Round Robin
You can use those to share with your Guests when you have a pool of people who take turns receiving meetings, like Sales reps or Customer Support reps. You will be able to select any links that were shared with you or links where you are part of the distribution yourself.
If the Round Robin is Strict, the Assignee field will be locked with the next Team Member in the Distribution:
If it's flexible, we will highlight the Next Assignee, but you can change it if needed. We will show the next ones in line below.
Toggle the "Show availability for all" button to see the combined availability of the Hosts' and select the best slot for the meeting without needing to check each one manually.
The subtitles displayed in the Scheduler can facilitate your view and make things even easier:
Round Robin links can have multiple Meeting Types, so if that is the case, you can change the Meeting Type in the Link dropdown. In blue, you will find which Workspace the Link/Meeting Type belongs to
As usual, you can also optionally add more Guests, select your Scheduling Link/Meeting Type, and update other settings like Product, Description, and Location.