Who can use this feature?
Upon connecting the HubSpot CRM integration, we will automatically create these custom properties for you to allow you to track and report on all your booking data directly in HubSpot CRM.
Table of Contents
Contact Properties
The following properties are beneficial in starting/stopping email campaigns or automation and reporting. For example, you can often leverage these fields in marketing automation software to start/stop email campaigns when a specific meeting is booked or when a guest fails to show up for a meeting.
Meeting Type: The name of the Meeting Type used to book the meeting.
Router Name: Tracks the name of the Concierge or Handoff router from which the meeting came.
No Show: Used to track if the prospect didn’t show up (true or false). Maps against the no show button
Canceled: Tracks if a meeting was canceled (true or false). A meeting is considered canceled if the cancelation happened through a public cancel URL or if the meeting was deleted/canceled in your calendar provider.
Booking Status: The following field writes either "Booked" or "Not Booked" depending on whether a meeting is successfully booked or not.
Note: This field would only be relevant when using a Concierge Router. The value "Booked" will be written when the meeting is booked. The value "Not booked" will be written based on the timeout defined on Not Scheduled-related paths within your Router and if a rep is assigned (distributed) but not if a prospect is disqualified. "Disqualified" otherwise. |
Meeting Creation Date: This field writes the date the most recent meeting was created for this Contact.
They will appear similar to this within the Contact's properties:
Meeting Type, Outcome, and other Engagement fields
Chili Piper writes to the “Meeting Type” and "Outcome" properties on Meetings created by Chili Piper in HubSpot!
Meeting Type
The name of the associated Meeting Type in Chili Piper will now appear on newly created Engagements. This Meeting Type will match the "Meeting_Type_CP__c" property.
* Right now, if the meeting type name in Chili Piper doesn’t match the meeting type in HubSpot, it will not update.
When a meeting is marked as a "no show", canceled, or rescheduled, we will update the Engagement accordingly:
- This is the default behavior of HubSpot - when a meeting is created in the HubSpot UI, it shows as “Scheduled”
Assigned To / With
Assignee of the booked meeting.
Scheduled by / Organized by
Booker from Handoff, Integration User from Concierge, Integration User from ChiliCal.
Meeting guests.
Duration of meeting from the meeting type.
Start time
Date and time of the meeting.
Attendee description
Meeting description from the meeting type.