Who can use this feature?
This article aims to help Admins create a custom "Reassign" button on the Salesforce Event. This functionality will allow users to Reassign a Meeting to another user directly in Salesforce, allowing your reps to make meeting changes directly from the Meeting Event in Salesforce.
Table of Contents:
Things to Know:
- Salesforce Admin permissions are required to build this button
- The Reassignment button will only work for Meetings booked with Chili Piper
- If the Meeting was booked via a Personal Meeting Type/Template, you don't have the ability to Reassign the Meeting
- If you weren't the Host, Booker, or an admin, of the meeting you won't be able to Reassign it
- The Reassignment URL can also be used as a Custom field or page link
- This could be useful if you wanted to feed the Link from the Event to the Lead or Contact to sync it with automation tools
Creating a Custom Button in Salesforce
- Navigate to Setup → Object Manager → Event → Buttons, Links, and Actions
- Click the New Button or Link and configure it as:
- Label: “Reassign Meeting” (the label can be any value you choose for your team)
- Display Type = Detail Page Button
- Behavior = Display in New Window
- Content Source = URL
- Input URL =
Reassignment URL
Your button setup should look like this in Salesforce:
Adding the Button to the Page Layout
Now that the Custom Button is available navigate to a real Event record, click the Gear Icon on the page → "Edit Page"
Click on the Highlight Panel, then click Add Actions on the right panel. Search for the name of the Button you created and Add it to the Page.
How to Use Your Button
Once the button has been added, it's best to test whether the behavior works as expected. You can schedule a test meeting with a test lead or contact in Salesforce using your Chili Piper link or the ChiliCal Scheduler.
Find the test Event Record for your test meeting in Salesforce and click the Reassign Button.
If you are the Host OR the Booker of the meeting and not using a Personal Meeting Type (needs to be a Team Meeting Type), when you click it, it will open up your meeting in the ChiliCal Scheduler, and you can Reassign it from there:
If you are not the Host or Booker of the Meeting but an Admin and it is not a Personal Meeting Type (needs to be a Team Meeting Type) when you click Reassign, it will open this notification
When you click to Open Admin Center, the meeting is loaded in the Admin view of Meeting Activity, where you can reassign it.